Glamour Junkie

You can improve your entire physique in just six short weeks! Doesn't it sound too good to be true? Well, it's not! Just follow my super easy fitness plan, along with the diet tricks, and you'll have a leaner, harder body very soon.
Want more info on improving your body? Check out STARS' FITNESS SECRETS!


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Britney's tight body...

I didn't want to put this section even close to the bottom because everyone seems to want to know how to get the perfect stomach.
Women's bodies and fitness
That a woman's body is much more FATTY than a man's, even the slimmest and fittest of women. That's because we're meant for holding a baby, that is our biological purpose. However, we want to look sexy, because people are interested in other things before we have babies, like maybe walking around on the beach with your bikini on!
Women have naturally stronger legs, don't ask me why--maybe we need them to carry the baby properly. Our legs are lots stronger than male legs, especially our quads (front of thigh); our hamstrings (back of thigh) are weaker. We are fairly weak in our arms, also, where men are fairly strong and sculpted, women usually have smooth arms with very little [visible] muscle tone, even if you weight lift. The WEAKEST link? (LOL) Our abdomen. Designed to hold a baby, our tummies are usually storing as much fat as possible...hence the squishy round tendency.
Well, now you know!
We all know Britney has KILLER abs. But she has earned them--you can have all the $$ in the world, but abs don't come for free baby. I have abs too, and I know this. I KNOW THIS! Here is my workout regime. With patience and determination, you could have a Britney (and Blair!) body in about two months.
DO IT EVERYDAY or you won't have a perfect body!

*Basic crunches. Lie on the floor, on your back. Crunch. Squeeze your stomach hard. Do about 50-100 when you BEGIN, but build up to more as you progress. DO THEM EACH NIGHT and you will see results.

*Leg-lifts. Lie down, and lift your legs slowly up and down. This works your lower abs. Do about 30.

*Side crunches. Same as regular crunches, but for the obliques. Do at least 25 per side.


Britney's also known for her incredibly well-defined arms. Those were definitely not easy to earn! Here are some exercises you can do to make your arms more toned and slender.
*Push-ups: They're easier if you put your knees on the floor. Do at least 50 every night!
*Chair dips: Rest your hands at the front edges of a hard chair, and lower your body slowly down, then bring yourself back up so they form a 90-degree angle and your bottom is parallel to the chair. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.
*Curls: I sit on a chair with my legs apart and rest my elbow on my thigh. Using 10 lb. dumbells, I slowly extend my arm, and slowly bring it back. I do 2 sets of 15 reps on each side. You can also do more reps using lighter weights, which will give you leaner muscle mass than heavier weights.

Britney's is the body symbol of teen pop: Everyone wants to look like her.

Diet Tricks
You don't need to vastly change your eating habits in order to lose a few pounds and slim down your figure.
*Eat sensibly, for goodness sakes! Don't gorge on tons of pizza, ice cream, potato chips, bacon, steak and french fries. It may seem obvious, but eating out at restaurants also tends to pack on the extra pounds. So if you do go out for dinner (especially on a date!) eat something light, like a salad or grilled (not fried!) chicken with vegetables.
*Choose low-cal, low-fat alternatives to your favourite junk foods. You can buy reduced fat crackers and ice cream, which will satisfy your cravings without the dozens of extra calories in your diet. Also choose low-fat cream cheese, milk, sour cream, yogurt, and anything else you buy. It's a simple way, rather than cutting back drastically, to simply replace your food with low-fat versions. And don't forget diet soda! Regular soda is not only sugar-infested to damage your pearly whites, but is also laden with un-needed calories.
*Cut back on carbs. You've probably heard a lot about carb-free or low-carb diets. It's very hard to cut back on such things as pasta, bread, and crackers, but if you want to lose bulk, it's a must. Don't eliminate the bread group (not only is it unhealthy, but it's not going to be permanent, so while you may temporarily lose weight, you could binge later.) Aiming to eat less carbs will help you slim down quicker for some big event, too--you can eliminate them a few days before prom or a huge date.