Glamour Junkie
Who's Your Fashion Icon?

Whose style is yours most like? Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Jennifer Lopez? Take this quiz to find out!


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So are you wild Christina? Casual Britney? Classy Paris? Or sexy Jennifer? Find out now--grab a pencil and paper to jot down your answers to the questions. Then scroll down to get your results.
1. You're going to a party at your boyfriend's parents' house. You look in your (imaginary) closet and decide to wear:
a) Slim-fitting white pants, turquoise tie-dyed tank top and jean jacket, topped with a black newsboy cap.
b) A red, lacy-sheer turtleneck (with a black bra underneath), acid-washed jeans and pointy-toed suede boots.
c) A purple corset top with white ribbon accents and a white and pink Pucci-print skirt with ruffles, and some white glitter stilettos.
d) Low-slung khakis and a flowy black top.
2. You're out clubbing with the girls, and a totally hot guy asks you to dance. You:
a) Go for it, and within minutes of "tame" grinding, proceed to give him a lapdance and then get "nasty-naughty" over on the futon in the far corner.
b) Dance with him, baby! What the hell, who cares?
c) Do a sexy, quasi-striptease for him on the bar, tempting him with your feminine curves.
d) Step out onto the floor, clearing all others away, and do a sensational tango together.
3. Your favorite food (of these):
a) Steak and potatoes. Yummy!
b) Anything chocolate.
c) Chinese cuisine
d) Fajitas
4. Which of these places has the most appeal to you?
a) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
b) New Orleans, Louisiana
c) New York, New York
d) The Bronx, New York
5. Your dream purse is:
a) Black with white graffiti writing (your pornstar nickname, of course!)
b) Sleek, leather, fits-anything.
c) White, quilted with rhinestones.
d) Classic Louis Vuitton.
6. Which is closest to your hair color/cut?
a) Long, white-blonde, occasionally with black streaks and braids. Messy and sexy.
b) Shoulder length and bottle-blonde, pretty California girl.
c) Chin-length platinum choppy-cut bob.
d) Long, voluminous and brunette.
7. Your most likely companions:
a) "The girls."
b) Your mom and cousin.
c) Your sister and fiance.
d) Your lover.
8. The most cutesy things you "own:"
a) Strawberry Shortcake PJ's and cherry sweatpants.
b) A pink ruffled jacket and a daisy tattoo.
c) A Hello Kitty cell phone cover and pink lace corset top.
d) Your chinchilla coat, "Chi-Chi," and a pink sequined angora beret.
9. Your makeup is usually:
a) Intense--lots of dark eyeliner, usually gray, silver or blue shadow, and pale, frosty lipstick.
b) Very natural or nonexistent.
c) Depends--sometimes it's neutral, with brown shimmer eyeshadow and pink-glossed lips, but I tend to go for really smoky eyes.
d) Glowing, sexy and fresh.
10. Your preferred shoes are:
a) Combat boots or lace-up, spike heels.
b) Pumas or flip-flops.
c) Fancy pumps with rhinestones and suede butterflies--always matching your outfit, of course.
d) Expensive: Manolo Blahnik or Gucci will do.
11. Your guy is:
a) Nonexistent. But I sure do sleep with a lot!
b) I'm broken-hearted. Don't speak to me.
c) A gorgeous pretty-boy and very rich.
d) The hunkiest guy in Hollywood!
12. Which fabric most appeals to you?
a) Leather
b) Cotton
c) Satin
d) Fur
13. Can't-live-without accessory?
a) Hats
b) Sunglasses
c) Handbags
d) Jewelry
14. Your idea of a good date:
a) Getting dirrty at the clubs, then getting dirrtier at his place.
b) Going to the beach with the one you love.
c) Dinner at a fancy restaurant and off to a Hollywood premiere.
d) Staying home with him, having good gourmet cooking and renting a movie.
15. Describe your style in ONE word.
a) Edgy.
b) Natural.
c) Feminine.
d) Classic.
16. If someone discovered me when I just got up, they'd say I looked:
a) Horrendous! Good God! My EYES!
b) Unfresh, with messy hair.
c) Dewy-eyed, like a sleepy Disney cartoon.
d) Young and playful.
17. I sleep in:
a) Lingerie. With tassels, ribbons, lace...and in every colour.
b) Umm...a big t-shirt and sweats?
c) Matching pink velour sets.
d) Designer silk PJ's with monograms.

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