Glamour Junkie
The Socialites

My tribute to the most stylish women ever to walk this earth besides Britney and Christina...the Hilton Sisters. They're rich, famous, and so beautiful. My favourite is Paris. She's the pretty one. See why I worship their fashion sense...

Isn't Paris pretty?


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The Hiltons look fabulous again.



Nicky and Paris look so cute in coordinating but not matching outfits based around their "J'adore Dior" customized skinny-rib tanks. Nicky wears a slick red leather jacket and black pants, while Paris wears a pink cotton hoodie and sexy tied jeans.

Paris in a sexy, tied-on top and low-cut jeans.

Shows you don't need huge tits to be sexy.

The Hilton sisters are the rich, stylish heiresses to the Hilton hotel chain fortune. They're bicoastal, models, and socialites--hefty roles for young ladies of their ages. (Nicky is 18, Paris is 21.) They are filthy rich, but any modern fashionista knows that a hefty bank account does not always equal smooth, sexy style. For these girls, style is all about being right on top of the latest runway trends, and sporting the most interesting and eye-cathching clothes they can get their hands on. "Boring" and "simple" are not adjectives in Paris and Nicky's fashion vocabulary.

Positively glowing...


Paris works the catwalk.

Funny thing is, she actually is Queen of the Universe. Normally, those cheesy-slogan shirts turn me off, but Paris manages to make it look cute by pairing it with a satiny skirt and sexy shoes. She always looks so awesome--not just any woman can pull off that haircut!

Feminine, sweet and sexy all at the same time.
